Usage of Library Fragment In RAML
In this tutorial we will demonstrate the usage of library fragment in raml. Library is one of the Raml Fragments. Main advantage of the raml Library is that is can defined multiple types and that can be referred from RAML file
To create Raml Library, login in to Anypoint platform and click on design center and click on Create Fragments
Provide the name for new fragment
Update the RAML with below information
#%RAML 1.0 Library usage: types: EmployeePersonalInfo: !include employee-personalinfo-dataType.raml EmployeeAddressInfo: !include employee-addressinfo-dataType.raml
Define the Individual DataType which is included as part of library
#%RAML 1.0 DataType type: object displayName: Address Details properties: LocalAddress: type: object required: true displayName: "Local Address" description: "Local Address" properties: Address_Line_1: type: string required: true displayName: "Address_Line_1" description: "Address_Line_1" example: "Flat 101" Address_Line_2: type: string required: true displayName: "Address_Line_2" description: "Address_Line_2" example: "Block-c" Area: type: string required: true displayName: "Area" description: "Area" example: "MG ROAD" City: type: string required: true displayName: "City" description: "City" example: "Delhi" Country: type: string required: true displayName: "Country" description: "Country" example: "India" PostalCode: type: string required: false displayName: "PostalCode" description: "PostalCode" example: "A09172"
#%RAML 1.0 DataType type: object displayName: Personal Details properties: PersonalDetail: type: object required: true displayName: "PersonalDetail" description: "PersonalDetail" properties: FirstName: type: string required: true displayName: "FirstName" description: "FirstName" example: "Mule" LastName: type: string required: true displayName: "LastName" description: "LastName" example: "Mulesy" Email: type: string required: true displayName: "Email" description: "Email" example: "[email protected]" Phone: type: string required: true displayName: "Phone" description: "Phone" example: "01-793274093" BloodGroup: type: string required: true displayName: "BloodGroup" description: "BloodGroup" example: "A+"
Once you create the Library as a fragment you can publish it on exchange to make it reusable across organization, else you can also use this inside individual raml specification in that case you can first create a RAML specification and add the file as a library or any other fragment
Create a RAML file In design Center to use the library created above, here we will use the library fragments which is published on exchange, please visit include fragments in raml for more details
See below how to include the library inside raml file, we use uses: to include the library and also refer this from exchange, in case of library it is not required to use !include to include the library
#%RAML 1.0 baseUri: # title: employee description: This API is to retrieve employeeid version: v1 mediaType: [ application/json ] protocols: - HTTP uses: mylib: /exchange_modules/bc3a8427-d13f-46b4-a2e1-e94c83fd72e0/employee-library/1.0.1/employee-library.raml /employeepersonalinfo/{empId}: get: displayName: Retrieve employee personal details description: Retrieve employee personal details by empid responses: 200: description: Success repsonse of employee personal details body: application/json: type: mylib.EmployeePersonalInfo /employeeaddressinfo/{empId}: get: displayName: Retrieve employee address details description: Retrieve employee address details by empid responses: 200: description: Success repsonse of employee address details body: application/json: type: mylib.EmployeeAddressInfo
Sample application: Employee raml specification
Good Example for beginners to practice. Please Provide number of POC for Best Practice