Template Project To Create Mule Application
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how can we create template project to create mule application and publish on exchange to create similar mule application. Sharing Mule applications as templates is a great way to share your work with other people who are in your organization in anypoint Platform. When they need to build a similar application they can create the mule application using the template project from anypoint studio
Create a sample mule application in anypoint studio
Please follow some best practices while creating the template project:
- Define the common error handler as part of template project, either using pom dependency or mule config file
- Define common logger/audit framework as part of the template project
- Define the env specific properties and secure properties file as per the requirement
- Define global.xml for global configuration
- Define the config file for connector configuration like Http,Salesforce,File,FTP etc
- Create separate folders to create DWL,Properties,SSL certificates etc
- Add the dependency and configure the pom.xml as per the business need
- Configure the mule-artifact.json as per the business need
Note: You can extend and change the template project as per the business need and project requirement
Note: If you are publishing your asset to the master organization, the group ID is the same as the organization ID.
Publish the project on exchange, Right click on project and click on publish to exchange
Project successfully published to exchange
See the project on exchange
Create mule application from template project
Click on file->new->project from template
A new window open and we can see the project on exchange
Click on project and then click open, project will open in studio
Deploy the project, project should successfully build and deploy ,now you can rename the project and its file as per the business requirement
Sample project: mulesy-api-template-project
unable to import the project. got following exception in studio 7.8.0
Failed to resolve 723f1f66-b2a0-424f-9245-0db39e66f475:mulesy-api-template:1.0.0 (hover for more details or open this problem’s Properties)
Resolving dependency 723f1f66-b2a0-424f-9245-0db39e66f475:mulesy-api-template found the following exceptions:
org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: Failed to collect dependencies at 723f1f66-b2a0-424f-9245-0db39e66f475:mulesy-api-template:zip:raml:1.0.0