Retrieve Data From Dynamo DB Using Dynamo DB Connector In Mule


In This tutorial we will demonstrate how can we Retrieve Data From Dynamo DB Using Dynamo DB Connector In Mule 4.

Get Item : The GetItem operation returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key. If there is no matching item GetItem does not return any data and there will be no Item element in the response.

GetItem provides an eventually consistent read by default. If your application requires a strongly consistent read, set ConsistentRead to true. Although a strongly consistent read might take more time than an eventually consistent read, it always returns the last updated value

please refer to below to get more detail:

Prerequisite: Read access to get the items from amazon dynamo db

Create a project in anypoint studio and configure the listener

Drag and drop the get Item Operation from mule palette and configure the Amazon Dynamo DB Connector

Retrieve Data From Dynamo DB Using Dynamo DB Connector In Mule


Create the payload to pass the primary key to query the table

%dw 2.0
output application/json


Configure the table name,Key, Attributes as shown below

Retrieve Data From Dynamo DB Using Dynamo DB Connector In Mule


Deploy and test the project from POSTMAN, data retrieved successfully from dynamo db table

Sample application :Download sample project

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4 years ago

Can you please explain how to achieve the same result by Query connector of DynamoDB in Mule 4 ?