Query Cosmos Document
This Tutorial explains and lists all the necessary steps to query a document from Cosmos nosql database using its API in Mule 4. Here is the link for cosmos query document API query documents
Authorization behavior for all the calls will be similar but we have to change verb as per our need, so we have to update Dataweave and HTTP request call to Azure.
Mule flow will look like this
%dw 2.0 import java!cosmosdb::GenerateCosmosDBAuthToken output application/java var verb = "POST" var resourceType = "docs" var resourceId = "dbs/hr/colls/employee" var key = "0SZd1Zs3hySH915hKBTQCbewWnzIEI4S2YK8yHDaRwMrnzrZSwaa0hHy8IW21x4qbsQoswWIh3FW8TOd0fpSYw==" var keyType = "master" var tokenVersion = "1.0" var serverDateTime = GenerateCosmosDBAuthToken::getServerTime() as String --- { serverDateTime: serverDateTime, authKey: GenerateCosmosDBAuthToken::generate(verb, resourceType, resourceId, key, keyType, tokenVersion, serverDateTime) }
Please change the resource id and key as per your Azure details
HTTP request
<http:request method="POST" doc:name="Cosmos DB API" doc:id="d41bbcee-aa87-455c-9bda-9ed4e990395e" config-ref="HTTP_Request_configuration" path="dbs/hr/colls/employee/docs" > <http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output application/java --- { "Accept" : "application/json", "x-ms-version" : "2016-07-11", "Authorization" : vars.cosmosHeader.authKey, "x-ms-date" : vars.cosmosHeader.serverDateTime, "Content-Type" : "application/query+json", "x-ms-documentdb-isquery" : "True" , "x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition": "True" }]]]></http:headers> </http:request>
Please see the path and different HTTP header we are passing in HTTP request call, please change the same as per your need
Test it through SOAP UI
Documents in Azure
Sample application – cosmos-document-query
Sample SOAP UI project – Cosmos-db-document-query-soapui-project