Manipulation On Array In Mule 4


In this tutorial we will demonstrate how can we do Manipulation On Array In Mule 4. To use this module, we first need to import DataWeave code, for example, by adding the line import * from dw::core::Arrays to the header of your DataWeave script

Please find below few important Array function which will be useful while working on Array In Dataweave

Note: This Module can be used in Dataweave 2.2 and later


Drop Function


This function is introduced is Dataweave 2.2.0

This function drops the elements from array and return the remaining elements as per the condition.


%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
var samplearray = ["124", "35454", "Sachin","Amit"]
output application/json

drop(samplearray, 2)




IndexOf Function


It Returns the index of the first occurrence of an element within the array. If the value is not found it will return -1


Dataweave Expression:

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
var samplearray = ["124", "35454", "Sachin","Amit"]
output application/json

indexOf(samplearray, "Sachin")




takeWhile Function


Selects elements from the array while the condition is met but stops the selection process when it reaches an element that fails to satisfy the condition


Dataweave Expression:

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var arr = [1,2,3,4,1,2]

arr takeWhile $ <= 2




sumBy Function


It returns the sum of the values inside array


[ { items: 233}, { items: 324 }, { items: 30 } ]


Dataweave Expression:

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json

  "TotalItems" : [ 
    { items: 233}, 
    { items: 324 }, 
    { items: 30 }
  ] sumBy $.items


  "TotalItems": 587


Join 2 Arrays With Matching Id Using Join Function


In this part we will create a dataweave expression which will join 2 Different Array on ths basis of the ID


Items Array

[{id: "12", name:"Tea"},{id: "22", name:"Salt"},{id: "3", name:"Soap"},{id: "5", name:"Butter"}]

Price Array

[{Id: "12", price:123},{Id: "3", price:24}, {Id: "22", price:20}, {Id: "4", price:456}]


Dataweave Expression:

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays

var items = [{id: "12", name:"Tea"},{id: "22", name:"Salt"},{id: "3", name:"Soap"},{id: "5", name:"Butter"}]

var Prices = [{Id: "12", price:123},{Id: "3", price:24}, {Id: "22", price:20}, {Id: "4", price:456}]

output application/json
join(items, Prices, (item) ->, (price) -> price.Id)



    "l": {
      "id": "12",
      "name": "Tea"
    "r": {
      "Id": "12",
      "price": 123
    "l": {
      "id": "22",
      "name": "Salt"
    "r": {
      "Id": "22",
      "price": 20
    "l": {
      "id": "3",
      "name": "Soap"
    "r": {
      "Id": "3",
      "price": 24
Thank you for taking out time to read the above post. Hope you found it useful. In case of any questions, feel free to comment below. Also, if you are keen on knowing about a specific topic, happy to explore your recommendations as well.
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3 years ago

how to convert Array to Object?