HTTP requester to call Graphql APIs
There is no MuleSoft certified connector available to call Graphql APIs in MuleSoft. In case if we come across a requirement to call Graphql endpoint in MuleSoft then we can leverage the existing HTTP Requestor to call Graphql APIs. Graphql calls are internally a POST call over HTTP.
For the demo we can call below graphql endpoint
Query payload
query Query($first: Int) { allFilms (last: $first) { films{ title director releaseDate speciesConnection { species { name classification homeworld { name } } } } } }
Graphql Variable
{ "first": 1 }
We can see the below postman call to see Graphql endpoint in action
To show Graphql endpoint call using HTTP POST
HTTP POST payload
{ "query": "query Query($first: Int) {\r\n allFilms (last: $first) {\r\n films{\r\n title\r\n director\r\n releaseDate\r\n speciesConnection {\r\n species {\r\n name\r\n classification\r\n homeworld {\r\n name\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n", "variables": { "first": 1 } }
Let’s do the same in MuleSoft
Create a project in Anypoint studio
Add the transformation to create the POST payload
Create the required HTTP requestor
Add logger to log the response
Now run the application and hit the http listener endpoint i.e., http://localhost:8081/graphql
We can see the logged message in Mule application
Sample Application – graphql-service
Sample POSTMAN collection – GraphQL.postman_collection.json
how did you convert the graphql query to the string for use in dataweave ?
Failing with unable to transform error for all $ references in dataweave. Can you please help