Github SetUp
Let’s see how we can setup GitHub for Subversioning
Login in to and click on sign up
Provide the username and password
Verify link that will be send on registered email, click on verify Account and continue to login
Create a new repository
Repository is created as mulesoft-cicd-sample
Next step is to clone the repository on local
Download the git client from below URL and install the git client on local machine
Once the installation complete, open git bash
Run the below command to clone the repository on local
git clone repository-name(copy the git repository url)
Repository created in local folder, you can continue add the project files in this repository
Create a sample mule project and add the files in git repository,use the below commands to add,commit and push files in git repository
- git status: This command will show you all the files that have been added, changed, or deleted
- git add . this command will select all the available files for saving.
- git commit -m “<commit message>”: this will commit the files in git repo
- git push: once you’ve added and committed all your files, run this command to push all your commits to your repo
- git status: check the final status to cross verify if all the files are added etc.
Files are added in repository as shown below