Deploy Mule Application ON Cloudhub Using Anypoint Studio
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how can we Deploy Mule Application On Cloudhub Using Anypoint Studio
You can deploy your applications directly from Studio to CloudHub. This option is helpful if you want to test your application while developing it.
Note: You can deploy application from Studio to any environment except Design. The Design environment is specific to applications created in Anypoint Design Center.
You can deploy Mule applications to CloudHub using:
Rightclick on project -> go to anypoint platform -> deploy to cloudhub
Provide Anypoint username and password to sign into your account
Select Environment to deploy Mule application, here we are deploying mule application on Sandbox
Click on Deploy Application
Application will be deployed successfully and running on Cloudhub
We can see application is running successfully in cloudhub
Please use below highlighted URL to test the mule application
Test mule application from Cloudhub
need mule run time version 4.3 documents
Rightclick on project -> go to anypoint platform -> deploy to cloudhub
when i do this,cloudhub page can’t be opened,
A blank page appears, which is always displayed during loading, and then suddenly closes without any error messages.In fact, I have successfully logged into anypoint,
I can open any page except deploy to cloudhub.Why, what settings do I need to make