Cloudhub Deployment Using AuthToken In Mulesoft


In last tutorial we have demonstrated how can we use the connected app(see for more details) and deploy the mulesoft application on cloudhub without using the anypoint username and password

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how we can deploy mulesoft application on cloudhub using authToken

Add the plugin in pom.xml with cloudhubDeployment configuration

			<authToken>dfdgfgfhfhg</ authToken >


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project xmlns=""
			<name>Anypoint Exchange</name>
			<name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
			<name>mulesoft release repository</name>

We will reuse the mule application created as part of previous tutorial and update the pom.xml with authtoken

To update the pom we will generate the authToken using connected app client_id,client_credentials and grantType


Cloudhub Deployment Using AuthToken In Mulesoft


Cloudhub Deployment Using AuthToken In Mulesoft


Deploy the application using mvn deploy -DmuleDeploy


Cloudhub Deployment Using AuthToken In Mulesoft


Application deployed on cloudhub

Cloudhub Deployment Using AuthToken In Mulesoft


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2 years ago

Please add steps for how to setup this oauth2 in anypoint platform to get token in postman

2 years ago

I tried with the credentials from post man getting unauthorized how to resolve this