Dataweave How to invoke the Custom Java Class from inside a Dataweave? Below is the example More info – How to access secure property inside Dataweave? By using p(‘secure::<property name>’) you can access the secure property defined as part of secure property file in mule application More info – How to call…
Read MoreAnypoint Exchange What is Anypoint Exchange in MuleSoft? Anypoint Exchange provides the benefit of being able to discover, share, and incorporate assets and resources into your applications. Anypoint Exchange helps you create API developer portals, view and test APIs, simulate data to APIs (Mocking Service), create assets, and use API Notebooks to describe and…
Read MoreMule Runtime What is runtime manager? Runtime manager is to deploy and manage mule application on mule runtime engine, where mule runtime is running on Cloudhub or on-premise or on RTF. By using runtime manage you can deploy/undeploy the mule app You can change the runtime version at any time You can increase/decrease…
Read MoreAPI Manager What is API Manager? API Manager is a component of Anypoint Platform for managing APIs. API Manager manages APIs that reside in Exchange API Manger is used to apply the policies on APIs Please visit this url for more information What is API Autodiscovery? API Autodiscovery is used to pair the API…
Read MoreMuleSoft Development How to achieve the parallel processing in MuleSoft? To achieve the parallel processing you can use scatter gather or batch job and with mule 42 on wards there is also parallel for each has been added to process the message simultaneously, Please visit scatter gather and parallel for each urls for more…
Read MoreAnypoint Platform What is Anypoint Platform? Anypoint platform is highly productive, hybrid integration platform that creates an application network of app, data and devices by producing and consuming reusable assets. It is collection of Tools and Framework ( building application) and runtime for running application What are Anypoint Connectors in MuleSoft? Anypoint connectors are…
Read MoreDesign Center What is RAML? RAML stands for Restful API Modelling Language, RAML is a well-defined contract in a human readable format to actually exist as your source code it is open-specification language built on YAML 1.2 and JSON for describing Restful APIs. Restful API Modelling Language (RAML) makes it easy to manage the API lifecycle from…
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