Consume Latest Message From Kafka Topic In this Tutorials, We have created integration between Kafka topic and Mulesoft. We will publish the message on the topic and consume the latest message published on to the topic. We will then parse the message and write to a file. If you want to read more about…
Read MoreMessage Listener Let’s see how we can consume message from Kafka Topic using Kafka connector Create project in Anypoint studio Drag and drop message listener operation from mule palette Configure the connector Provide the bootstrap url and topic name fromwhere you want to consume the message Configure the below parameters as required,…
Read MoreSet up and Install Apache Kafka On Windows Prerequisites: Install Java Step 1: Download the kafka from Extract the downloaded file using 7 zip Step 2: Kafka uses zookeeper so you first need to start the ZooKeeper Server, zookeeper is packaged with kafka Run the below command to start zookeeper .\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\ Once the…
Read MoreKafka Connector In Mule Kafka connector helps you to interact with Apache Kafka Messaging system and provide seamless integration between mule application and apache messaging system Operation available: Commit: Commits the offsets associated to a message or batch of messages consumed in a Message Listener Consume: This operation is used to receive the message…
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