Call multipart/form-data service
To call a multipart/form-data service we will first deploy the sample service which we created in earlier tutorial – Create multipart/form-data service
Upload the below zip file to Anypoint runtime manager or cloudhub and we will call the service through form upload html
Create multipart/form-data service jar – form-upload-sample-jar
Form upload html – form_upload
Form upload zip – form_upload
Endpoint to call – (please change the same in form-upload.html)
We can see the different keys and their values in logs if we call the service through form upload html
Now lets create a mule application which will call the above multipart/form-data service
Main logic for calling multipart/form-data service goes in writing a correct transformation
Dataweave already support the multipart conversion
More details –
For calling our services we have to add below transformation
%dw 2.0 import dw::module::Multipart output multipart/form-data var myFileText = "File Text" --- { parts: { checkbox: Multipart::field("checkbox", "Off"), password: Multipart::field("password", "mysecret"), text: Multipart::field("text", "myText"), myfile: Multipart::field("myfile", myFileText, "text/plain", "myFile.txt") } }
We have only two type of form elements – Text and File so we have to understand how we can send them.
Sending Text e.g. checkbox, password, text
Multipart::field(“checkbox”, “Off”)
First argument is the element name and second is the value.
Element name is quite import and should be in sync with the name in form html or RAML
More on fields –
Sending File e.g. myfile
Multipart::field(“myfile”, myFileText, “text/plain”, “myFile.txt”)
First argument is the element name – Element name is quite import and should be in sync with the name in form html or RAML
Second is file content – this can be variable or any resource available in src/main/resources
Third – content type of file
Fourth is file name
More on file –
Element name is quite import and should be in sync with the name in form html or RAML
<html> <body> <p>Different type of input types:</p> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="fname">checkbox: </label><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox"><br> <label for="fname">password: </label><input type="password" name="password"><br><br> <label for="fname">text: </label><input type="text" name="text"><br><br> <label for="fname">file: </label><input type="file" id="myfile" name="myfile"><br><br> <label for="fname">submit: </label><input type="submit" name="fileContent"><br><br> </form> </body> </html>
So after the transformation if we analyse the payload – it will look more like write “application/json”
{ "checkbox":{ "headers":{ "Content-Disposition":{ "name":"checkbox", "subtype":"form-data" } }, "content":"Off" }, "password":{ "headers":{ "Content-Disposition":{ "name":"password", "subtype":"form-data" } }, "content":"mysecret" }, "text":{ "headers":{ "Content-Disposition":{ "name":"text", "subtype":"form-data" } }, "content":"myText" }, "myfile":{ "headers":{ "Content-Type":"text/plain", "Content-Disposition":{ "name":"myfile", "filename":"myFile.txt", "subtype":"form-data" } }, "content":"File Text" } }
This is similar to what multi-part api expect
Add a requester
Add logger to check the response
Now run and test the service
MuleSoft Cloudhub logs
11:43:11.148 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.01: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 "password value - mysecret" 11:43:11.150 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.04: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 "text value - myText" 11:43:11.151 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.03: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 "checkbox value - Off" 11:43:11.728 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.02: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 "file name - myFile.txt" 11:43:11.905 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.02: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 "content type - text/plain" 11:43:11.946 04/24/2020 Worker-0 [MuleRuntime].cpuLight.02: [form-upload-sample].form-upload-sampleFlow.CPU_LITE @be5ddf1 INFO event:a6709f80-85f2-11ea-93e4-9aaf65ed66d8 file content File Text
Sample Application – call-form-upload-sample