Basic Authentication – LDAP


Basic Authentication is simple and most widely used authentication mechanism in HTTP based services or APIs. The client sends HTTP requests with the Authorization HTTP header that contains the word Basic word followed by a space and a base64-encoded string username:password .

For example, to authorize as username/password the client would send below HTTP header

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Basic Authentication – LDAP is an extension of the Basic Authentication policy where the provided username and password will be authenticate against the target LDAP server


To Start with we first create a sample project in Design Center

Project – basic-auth-sample


#%RAML 1.0
title: basic-auth-sample
version: 1.0.0

    description: |
      This API supports Basic Authentication.
    type: Basic Authentication

    securedBy: [basic]
    description: retrieve route list
        type: string
        required: false


Design Center

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Now publish it to Exchange and API Manager

Exchange –

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Provide the asset version

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Exchange asset will be created

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Now create an API Manager configuration

Basic Authentication – LDAP


This will create the API Manager configuration for basic-auth-sample


Click Policies -> Apply New Policy -> Basic Authentication – LDAP policy


Now we have to provide the valid LDAP configuration, against which basic authentication username and password will be validated


We can see below properties

  • LDAP server URL – URL and port for the LDAP server
  • LDAP user DN – The name of the user or user group with access to the LDAP
  • LDAP user password – User password or user group
  • LDAP search base – Starting point for search in the directory tree
  • LDAP search filter – Filtering criteria


Which we have to update to use our LDAP server


LDAP configuration


Once done, Click apply and then it will come in API policies list


Now create mule application in Anypoint Studio


Add API Auto Discovery configuration – more on API Auto Discovery

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Deploy the project on Cloudhub

Basic Authentication – LDAP


API Manager Configuration should now come as active

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Now if we test our API it will through 401 unauthorized error

Basic Authentication – LDAP


Now we will use the user from LDAP server

Basic Authentication – LDAP

Now we can see the 200 success response


Design Center project – basic-auth-sample

Sample mule application – basic-auth-sample

Sample SOAP UI project – basic-auth-sample-soapui-project


Thank you for taking out time to read the above post. Hope you found it useful. In case of any questions, feel free to comment below. Also, if you are keen on knowing about a specific topic, happy to explore your recommendations as well.
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4 years ago

How to create LDAP server not mentioned. please explain.